
Wednesday’s 16:30 – 17:30 P1-P6

Wednesday’s 17:30 – 18:30 F1-F6

Tsim Sha Tsui

Friday’s 17:00 – 18:00 F1-F6

Saturday’s 10:30 – 11:30 P1-P6

Starting this September, GCBHK Capoeira Hong Kong will be starting a new term of kids and teens Capoeira classes in Central and Tsim Sha Tsui.

Throughout the courses, kids will be guided through the 5 elements of Capoeira:

  • Movement
  • Attack
  • Defence
  • Acrobatics
  • Music

Incorporated into these exercises are also the key factors to your child’s growth.

Physical Aspects of the course include working with coordination, balance, strengthening the body and increasing flexibility. when mixing the various disciplines of movement exercise as capoeira does, the evolution of the body results in increased benefits towards body muscle mass, posture correction, and physical awareness.

Another important inclusion is that of mental growth and maturity. With Capoeira involving such a diverse array of elements, the correlation between the various levels of concentration and maturity to develop well in each comes together in one place and helps them be more aware of their surroundings and situations.

Capoeira is a truly holistic art form and sport. Kids who have joined Capoeira programs will always benefit from having participated.

由九月份開始, 香港巴西戰舞協會將會在中環和尖沙咀開始新一期兒童和青少年的巴西戰舞(capoeira)課程。


  • 移動(步法)
  • 攻擊
  • 防禦
  • 雜技
  • 音樂



另一項重要的是有助孩子的心理成長和成熟。 由於巴西戰舞涉及如此多樣的元素,有助提升他們的專注度和成熟度,並幫助他們更加了解周圍環境和情況。


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