Benefits of Capoeira for Kids

The sport and art-form of Capoeira is one of the most beneficial activities kids can participate in during their most primal physical, psychological and developmental years.

Consistent involvement in a Capoeira program helps kids continuously develop several of the children’s cognitive and sensory processes.

The physical movements of the game, as well as the musical element of Capoeira, help develop the hard skills, such as balance, strength and flexibility, required to play the game.

Simultaneously, children will develop key soft skills such as communication, teamwork, etiquette, self-discipline, adaptability and positive attitudes.

Breaking Down the Capoeira Game

To better understand the game of Capoeira, here at GCBHK, we break it down into five fundamental elements:






Children will systematically learn aspects of each of these elements in every class, building their repertoire of skills to practice and execute the GCBHK 8 Foundational Sequences of the Capoeira game.

More information on the ‘5 Elements of the Capoeira Game’ and the ‘8 Foundational Sequences’ can be found in our reference area. Click the links to learn more.  

What to Expect

A typical class is broken down into several sections. A warm-up involves exercises focused on balance, coordination and strength.

The body of the class focuses on the 5 Elements of Capoeira and developing those elements to perform the 8 Foundational Sequences.

Time is always set aside for music practice, where the kids can have fun beating on drums and singing out the songs, as well as fun jumping around with cartwheels, handstands, and other fun acrobatic movements of the Capoeira game.

Capoeira programs with GCBHK start from the age of entering primary school. When kids enter this new environment, they are expected to develop their social and emotional habits, to become more independent, self-conscious and responsible.  

At GCBHK we nurture this transition by encouraging them to take on tasks of self-care and responsibility, whilst freely developing their own personalities.


Tsim Sha Tsui

Sai Kung

Adults Class . Adults Class . Kids Class
Monday 8pm . Friday 8:30pm . Wednesday 5:30pm
Next Course: Monday February 10 . Next Course: Friday February 14 . Next Course: Wednesday February 12